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Tips for Safer RVing During COVID-19

It’s best to stay home during the current COVID-19 pandemic. However, if you are going on a vacation this year, RVing can be a great way to escape while still maintaining a safe distance from others. Experienced and novice RV adventurers alike may need to change up their usual preparation and plans though. There are numerous actions you can take to reduce your risk and keep your family safe and healthy.

Please stay informed! Keep up with the latest notices and recommendations from the CDC.

  • Wear a mask to keep your nose and mouth covered when in public settings.
  • Avoid close contact by staying at least 6 feet apart (about 2 arms’ length) from anyone who is not from your household.
  • Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol).
  • Avoid contact with anyone who is sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.


Plan Ahead

Planning before leaving is more important than ever. Although many National Parks are open to visitors, hours may have changed. It’s also entirely possible that your favorite destination is closed or has limited access. That lot you love to park in? It could be closed. That perfect camping spot you’ve been going to for years? It may be limiting visitors to a small handful. It’s very important to do your research ahead of time to ensure that you’re choosing the right destination. There are few things worse than driving across country to find Wally World is closed…err, we mean your favorite park or nature destination.

On the Road

Depending on your route and destination, store, restaurants and bathrooms along the way may be closed or have limited hours. It is important to have and wear a mask no matter what when going out into public. To be safe, it’s recommended that you bring along your own food and necessities. This includes safety equipment and first aid kits. Bringing your own food greatly reduces exposure to other people and it saves you money as well.

If you do have to stop, it’s important that you wear a mask and keep your hands clean. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Treat it like you’re about to go into surgery. Hand sanitizer is also great to have in addition to hand washing. The biggest thing to remember is not to touch your face with unwashed hands.

In the RV

CLEAN YOUR RV! Getting in and out of your RV tracks in all kinds of stuff from outside. It’s important that you’re extra thorough with cleaning during COVID-19. Always clean surfaces first with soap and water before disinfecting. Diluted bleach or alcohol-based cleaning products containing at least 70% alcohol work wonders. Don’t forget your steering wheel!

Carpets and other porous surfaces shouldn’t be ignored. Vacuum your carpets thoroughly. Also launder all linens and clothes. Cleaning your RV doesn’t do much if you’re walking around with dirty clothes carrying who-knows-what everywhere you go. Do not shake your laundry before washing. This just disperses any possible viruses into the air before washing.

Although it may be inconvenient on the road, it is highly recommended that cleaning be done daily. This prevents build up of any possible contaminants. Special attention should be paid to anything you touch regularly. This includes door handles, steering wheels and cabinets.

Be Kind

It’s a tough time for everyone. Be kind while you’re out there. Keep your distance from others. Avoid crowded parks and gatherings. Always keep in mind that everyone is dealing with this same pandemic. Cashiers and service workers are stressed. Treat them with kindness.

Most importantly: If you are sick, stay home!

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